Funded projects
funded projects
At Glintt Global, we are committed to contributing to the well-being of society. We have the knowledge and cutting-edge technologies to make it happen and an extensive network of specialized employees, clients and partners, which allow us to maximize project funding through participation in national and European innovation support programs.
These programs not only reinforce our commitment to excellence and innovation, but also allow us to create a positive and lasting impact on people’s lives.
public programs
Horizon 2020, the Community Framework Program for Research & Innovation (H2020), with an overall budget of over 77 billion euros for the period 2014-2020, is the largest EU instrument specifically geared towards supporting research by co-financing research, innovation and demonstration projects. Financial support is awarded on the basis of competitive calls and through an independent evaluation process of the proposals submitted.
public programs
The Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) is a nationwide program, with an implementation period until 2026, which will implement a set of reforms and investments designed to propel the country towards recovery, sustained economic growth and convergence with Europe over the next decade, guided by a concept of sustainability inspired by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
public programs
O Horizon Europe is a 7-year scientific research initiative of the European Union, the successor to Horizon 2020 and the previous framework programs for research and technological development. The European Commission has drawn up and approved a plan for Horizon Europe with the aim of increasing the EU’s scientific spending levels by 50% over the 2021-2027 period.
funded projects
The WoW project proposes a new architecture centered on a series of biomonitoring patches for patients, including wireless patches.
Evolving the concept of Habitat, giving it adaptive and transformative capacity, in line with the needs of different age groups.
The project aims to research and innovate in the development of software applications that combine multiple data sources, transforming data into information that improves employee well-being, engagement and performance. The project Mad@Work aims to detect and mitigate poor mental health conditions in the workplace.
Developing innovative telepharmacy solutions, with special attention to those directly related to health, pharmacovigilance, therapeutic adherence, drug interactions and assistance services.
The iCare4NextG project has developed a structure of services and a technological platform required to meet the needs of integrating home and personalized care in order to improve well-being and the provision of care at home, in line with the concepts of prediction, prevention, personalization and participation.
funded projects
Through public funding, we have been able to explore new technologies, improve our services and collaborate with strategic partners to promote more accessible and efficient healthcare for all.
O DigiHealthPT is a Digital Innovation Center dedicated to digital transformation in the Health sector, focused on the HealthTech/SmartHealth segments, from Health Data, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Medical Devices based on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET).
TheHfPT aims to position Portugal as a world reference hub in the design, development and production of advanced solutions based on innovation and technology.
CHAngeing will transform and connect two centers of excellence in countries located in southern Europe (Portugal and Greece), into centers of attraction for R&D related to aging with the aim of preventing and treating cerebrovascular dysfunctions. relacionadas com o envelhecimento.
PharaOn aims to promote smart and active living for Europe’s elderly population by creating a set of interoperable open platforms integrated and highly customizable with advanced services, devices and tools, including IoT, artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing, smart wearables, big data and smart analytics.
If you have a financing project in progress and need a technology partner with technological expertise for over 30 years, talk to us.
Together we will make a difference in the lives of people, companies and society!
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